Sunday, February 1, 2015 were held in Genoa, at the gym Budo Semmon Gako, examinations for Basic Instructor of Krav Maga Israeli Survival System. The tests lasted the whole day. The examination was conducted, with the usual, highly professional, by Master Marco Morabito, well assisted by the instructor Advanced Ercole Cairoli. The morning was devoted to a kind of refresher and general clarification. Responding to students' questions Morabito The teacher showed them how to flawlessly perform various techniques that if properly executed can manifest in full its effectiveness. Then he explained some of gun disarming techniques, that, even if related to the program for advanced instructors, is well are also known from the basic ones. The real exams and proper began in the afternoon. Initially, the students had to imitate, no opponent, numerous techniques, then, divided into pairs that gradually changed composition, performed in defense techniques as naked and armed robbery attack. The teacher gave a trend increasingly agitated examination, demanding that students decided for techniques of defense and counterattack ever faster, alternating in the roles of attacker and defender. Performing quite similar exercises properly aspiring instructors have been shown to have well assimilated the techniques that will then have to explain to the young and not so young, you will move closer to that fascinating discipline that is the Krav Maga. The final stage, and physically exhausting, examination was the circuit. Each student instructor, hampered by a "troublemaker," had to alternate kicks, punches and knee strikes against specific structures with defense against various types of attack. Finally, it had to support a short fight against an opponent much cooler than him. At the end Morabito addressed to aspiring instructors some general questions about Krav Maga and what this sport means to them. At the end of this tough but beautiful and rewarding day they have graduated instructors, basic level, the following students: Andrea Benveduti, Giovanni Bernardini, Bigliazzi Alessio Olivieri, Marco Cinarelli, Alessandro Fiore, Riccardo Musenich, Diego Piovan Eugenio Ripepi, Riccardo Tosi, Ugolini Luca. Everyone is wormly "WELCOME" in the great family of IKMO